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Brutal Day at Leighton Boot Camp

Friday, February 27, 2015 - 12:13 PM

 As the season draws closer, both the senior and colts playing lists took a day away from the usual Saturday training regime to endure only what could only be described as a tough physical and mental challenge via the WAIMA Boot Camp experience.

Phil Britten, Director of WAIMA, has previously worked alongside the East Fremantle Football Club in a variety of capacities but this was the first Boot Camp that he, and the players for that matter, have done.

The day started at 9:45am for the senior boys.  They first carried all of the gear required for the day along the south side of Leighton Beach and set up camp where Phil and his team warmed the boys up, which in itself was almost enough.  The players were then challenged through a series of three activities;

  1. a circuit which involved running on the beach, in to a swim out to a buoy, then under an army net, where they carried either a bag of rocks or a medicine ball through a series of poles.  No breaks for 20 mins.    
  2. A martial arts station where the boys wrestled, kicked bags, jumped over each other again for 20mins
  3. Finally they then had to drag a large tractor tyre through the sand, all whilst the tyre was filling up with sand.  At each of the 8 markers the players then performed burpees, before picking up the rope and dragging again.

Just to finish them off the players then had to complete each of the three activities one more time each to finish.  Matthew Jupp, new to the leadership group, said it was one of the toughest days of any pre-season he has done.

At 12pm the colts joined the seniors and enjoyed lunch together before the colts boys also endured the tough program, albeit at a slightly lower level.  However it was tough enough for a few boys to enjoy their lunch for a second time.

Not only was there a theme surrounding the day for both groups, but obviously it was a great opportunity for players to bond, for new players work even more closely with new mates through drills and for all to know that no matter what the challenge they can overcome adversity.

Thanks to Phil and his team at WAIMA for putting on a brutal, but very enjoyable, day for the players.